Not to disparage the excitement of spotting out-of-state license plates, but for most of automotive history, drivers have been limited when it comes to in-car entertainment. Although there are expanding options for those with the funds, and streaming music may have mostly supplanted FM radio and cassette tapes, the entertainment experience for most drivers today is largely unchanged from when the Galvin brothers installed the first AM dashboard radio in a Studebaker in 1930.


This article examines the challenges and opportunities for different media sectors in the future of mobility. The goal is not to predict each and every product and mode that may arise but, rather, to illustrate the extraordinary possibilities that could emerge. The emergence of this new mobility ecosystem is potentially great news for all types of players in the media industry, offering opportunities to create value for consumers. Capturing that value, however, poses a major challenge. As shared and autonomous mobility emerge and coexist, media companies from the C-suite to sales and product development must answer numerous challenging strategic questions.

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